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First published by Unknown at PT (UTC-08:00) 7:12:00 AM Wednesday, October 07, 2015
Topic: Champion build & playstyle

Ezreal ADC starting Doran's Ring with Manamune build

This post, as the related one to the discussion of hybrid-AP mage mid laner Ezreal, discusses my personal build and playstyle for ADC Ezreal starting Doran's Ring (and two Health Potions). For my complete ideas on playing Ezreal, additionally skim the post for the hybrid-AP mage mid Ezreal: Ezreal mage mid laner hybrid-AP build with Manamune

The Mastery page is completely the same as that for hybrid-AP mage mid Ezreal, the Rune page has some points different, as depicted herein. The core items of this build, from left to right listed in the order they are bought, are:

I build the Sterak's Gate for the last item in some games, for more defensive components we can also build GuardianAngel or Banshee'sVeil depending on the particular games. As we can see, all the items add an important amount of bonus damage to his basic attacks, and also, his Q-MysticShot. We can also build InfinityEdge instead of TheBladeOfTheRuinedKing for critical damage as well as build IonianBootsOfLucidity instead of Sorcerer'sShoes for CooldownReduction.

Why Doran'sRing for ADC? The deep details of the answer for this question can be found in the post for hybrid-AP mage mid Ezreal: Briefly, I wanna invoke his harassing potential early games, to prevent the ADC opponent from farming and to take kills if possible.

+) This playstyle in the very early game stage would be similar to the hybrid-AP mage mid Ezreal with magic-dominant damage by maximizing W-EssenceFlux first, then E-ArcaneShift, and Q-MysticShot to be the last.

+) In my view, the playstyle of maximizing Q-MysticShot first has some limits in comparison with the way of maximizing E-EssenceFlux first: the damage of Q-MysticShot is much less than the damage of E-EssenceFlux: 35/55/75/95/115 (+110%AD) (+40%AP) vs 70/115/160/205/250 (+80%AP), let alone the bonus of 20/25/30/35/40%AS for all ally champions it passes through, including Ezreal himself. In addition, by maximizing W-EssenceFlux first, I can still use Q-MysticShot for cs-ing at its lowest mana cost (28 mana); since Q-MysticShot has +40%AP ratio, it benefits from the AP index of Doran'sRing too.

With the thoughts in mind, I take 15AP from the Runes page for the best. Consequently, I can't invoke so many AD early game; The 22 levels-scaling AD is best for me in this case: it will help me get the most out of the Runes page late game, since the Marks approve AD (for 9 marks you will have 22 AD at level 18; if you take AP, however, it will just be 17).

My main ideas on this build and playstyle are to play Ezreal ADC in the early stage of games as the hybrid-AP mage mid Ezreal to exploit his incredible harassing potential early games, and to incorporate this magic damage into the ADC's physical-dominant damage late game. That is the best way to use Ezreal with all of his potentials, in my views.

Singularities of this build and playstyle are quite similar to those of the hybrid-AP mage mid Ezreal:

+) This build (alongside the Rune and Mastery pages) invokes all the damage possible for Ezreal and incorporates both physical and magical damage components which are quite balancing in the Rune and Mastery pages, the AD-dominance almost comes from the items bought during the course of games. The final physical-dominant damage is really incredible since it contains a significant amount of magic damage.

+) There is one transition between magic-dominant and physical-dominant damage in this route of build: from starting AP to Manamune rush and the next core items of an ADC.

In fact, we completely can pivot the build into the hybrid-AP of a mage mid Ezreal by the second transition (which I mentioned in the hybrid-AP mage mid Ezreal post) after Manamune if needed (in case team is full of physical damage champions, for example, and needs Ezreal to build AP for magic damage). This is why it would be hard for opponents to make good decisions on how to deal with, especially when we tactically and strategically pivot the transitions.

Of course, this build and playstyle have some disadvantages as mentioned in the related post on hybrid-AP mage mid Ezreal: farming capability and sustainability would be limited at the very early games, the intense of carefulness, etc.

The scaling armor Seals part is the defensive component specialized to be against the enemy ADC, the flat magic resist Glyphs part is specialized to be against the enemy supporter (supporters often deal magic damage).
For Ezreal, DoubleEdgedSword is always my choice, because his escaping ability is very strong with E-ArcaneShift and so hard to be caught by opponents. I almost never pick the Feast entry (green circle) for Ezreal.

This post was completed; there would be just minor adjustments if any on this post
Last update: January 04, 2016

The Silencekeeper
